Registered customs representative - Customs assistance

What can we do for you on customs matters?

Your needs may be different depending on whether your company has an in-house Customs Manager or not.
Brexit, AEO, free trade agreements benefits... Some customs topics are real supply chain accelerators, while others are real customs risk areas in case of control (customs valuation, definition of exporter, (in)direct customs representation in particular).

Our added value?

Replace your company customs manager if your company does not have one,
or assist him/her in his many missions.

Management of the customs function - Secondment

You have an international activity but consider that hiring a full-time company customs officer would not be suitable?
FISCALEAD provides you with a company customs officer. We will help you to define the frequency and the total volume of days of presence.
A clear framework contract allows you to control your costs and to benefit from a great flexibility for customs assistance adapted to your needs.

Our role:

  • Ensure a regular review of all, or part, of your customs declarations ;
  • Internal customs audit and identification of potential sources of opportunities;
  • Reporting line to be defined to the CFO / Tax Director / Board of any relevant subject;
  • Guarantee the condition of professional experience for customs matters required in the context of AEO certification in particular;
  • Ensure a regular presence to exchange with your business, logistics and accounting teams and answer their questions.

It is fundamental to have an independent party that keeps an eye on your Customs function.

We work hand in hand with Customs Representatives / Freight Forwarders. They are the artisans of your customs declarations and are important partners in your logistics function, but they often bear no responsibility for incorrect customs declarations. The responsibility remains yours.

For any question or budget request, contact us.
We assure you of an answer within a maximum of 48 working hours.

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